Transport service by road, sea or railway
We can arrange transportation on any delivery term – from FCA (only load on your transport) up to DDP (to your warehouse at any point of the world). We deliver by sea , road and railway.
Collecting timber from 3rd party producers
If you have producer in Ukraine who can’t arrange export procedures we can help. Our export department will arrange everything.
Quality control
Our quality control department check quality of your order 3 times – during production process, during packing and during loading on transport.
To provide smooth loading and uploading process we pack all our products according international standards. Also we can make any custom marking.
Accumulating, processing, and export different crops
At our elevators we collect, dry, process and sort into grades and kind of crops. Most of this volume we export to Asia by sea containers.
Consulting in timber, bioenergy and agricultural areas
You can use our experience to start business in Ukraine. Buying process from Ukraine is not easy sometimes, but we can guide you through every step.